Designer cake are all the rage right now! Although I can't quite afford this designer label...I can appreciate and enjoy Ms. Burch's well known emblem on a bright pink cake.
Funny story, I'm so unfamiliar with the Tory Burch brand (always admiring from afar) that I actually put the emblem on upside down at first. I was rushing a bit to finish the cake so I could make it to my son's school award assembly and I didn't even realize I had messed up until I texted a picture of the cake to my friend ordering it and she pointed out it was upside down. What a 'blond' moment on my part! Reminder me to slow down a bit and double check my work....but as my friend pointed out - maybe upside down logo's can be my thing? Hmmmm, something to think about but for now I'll stick to the original.
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